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Meet Your 2019-2020 Officers

1. What year are you?

2. What is your major?

3. When did you start skiing?

4. A fun fact or something you’ve done.

President – Adam Brandmire

1.4th year

2. Biomed and EE dual

3. Probs around 6

4. I have heterochromia with 3 colors in my irises

Vice President – Josh Cowdrey

1) it’s my 2nd year in college
2)Chemical Engineering
3) I started skiing at 3 or 4
4) fun fact about me is I went to South America to ski during the summer after 11th grade

Secretary – Julia Jenaway

1. Third Year
2. Civil Eng Major, Math Minor
3. 3 years old for skiing, 7th grade (13 years old) for ski racing
4. I love to do anything outdoors and connecting to the earth, either by walking, hiking, or sitting outside!! I also love to read!

Treasurer – Joe Weber

1.I’m a third-year mechanical engineering major with a math and aerospace engineering minor.

2.I started skiing when I was four and racing when I was eight.

3.Something cool about me is that I’ve been to 20 national parks in the last 5 years.

Social Chair – Nicki Gallup

1) I’m a 3rd year
2) Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering with a minor in math
3) I started skiing when I was 8.
4) I’ve been to 7 other countries and lived in 2 and plan to continue traveling through my life!

Faculty Advisor – Nicholas Sirdenis